David Barrie author

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12.The amazing journey of the blackpoll warbler...

Blackpoll warbler

Here is the first of what, if I have the energy, will be a series of short videos introducing some fascinating aspects of animal navigation. It relates to a tiny American bird: the blackpoll warbler.

These birds normally only weigh about 12 g and even when they fatten themselves up for their long migratory journey they only put on another 5 g. I think you’ll be as amazed as I was to discover what they can do.

The original research on which this story is based can be found here: DeLuca, W. V., Woodworth, B. K., Rimmer, C. C., Marra, P. P., Taylor, P. D., McFarland, K. P., ... & Norris, D. R. (2015). Transoceanic migration by a 12 g songbird. Biology letters11(4), 20141045.